Monday, 6 May 2013

World Health Day: Hypertension

by Paik Hwa

7th of April was the World Health Day, and in conjunction of that, a Health Tour Carnival was held at Padang Complex, Hospital Permai. This year’s theme was “Hypertension”. 9 NUMedian volunteers thus set out to the site with a mission: health screening for the population at the carnival. 

The event started early morning with aerobic exercises to the beat of catchy Malay and Bollywood songs. There were 20 booths set up with various activities including a Quit Smoking counseling booth, treasure hunt games, oral health promotion and so on. The NUMedians were in luck as the Health Screening booth was just next to JOHO, who put up some great band performances. 

Being dedicated to a worthy cause, the volunteers had brought their stethoscopes with them. But there was no use for the ultimate equipment (of medical students or health care professionals). They soon found that going through a long list of health screening questionnaires with the public was more challenging than they thought. 

One of the volunteers said, “I am actually thankful for the opportunity to practice communication skills. Some things were awkward and difficult to explain.”

The volunteers worked together with the nurses from Health Clinics to measure BMI, and to take blood pressure and glucose readings.


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