On the 5th of December, 2013, NUMed's first formal Careers Day was held for medical students in their clinical years.
The day kicked off with a welcome address by the Deputy Director of Medical Studies, Dr Steve Jones.
Seven guest speakers were invited for the event, including Associate Professor Dr Punna Wong Yin Onn, Dr Louis Ling, Dr Zaiton bte Salleh, Dr Ong Ah How, Dr Diong Seng Kwok, Dr Elaine Chiang and Stage 5 medical student Ho Ka Liang.
The day saw the speakers focusing their presentation on their respective career pathways and advices for medical students, especially to those who will be graduating next year.
For the soon-to-be graduates, the highlight of the day may be Ho Ka Liang's summary of the Housemanship Training Seminar conducted by the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) on the 16th of November, 2013.
The new housemanship training system is called "Flexi Hours", which will see an increase in working hours from 60 to 75 hours. Each houseman needs to go through a minimum of 2 years of training in 6 different core rotations, each rotation lasting 4 months should they survive the drill. What would be new in year 2014, is the addition of Psychiatry and Primary Care rotations as options for the remaining 8 months of training other than the already existing Anaesthesia and Emergency Medicine rotations.
It is important for medical students, or anyone for that matter, to equip themselves with sufficient knowledge in order to better prepare themselves a career plan. With this said, fellow readers should keep in view to attend the next Housemanship Training Seminar which will be held in 2015.
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